Datomic Pro and Datomic Cloud are FREE!

Our Customers

Our customers are using Datomic in a variety of industries, and a variety of ways. Read some of their stories.

Hotel search personalization - Room Key leverages the scalability and simplicity of Datomic to serve millions of customer visits.

Switched from schema-less NoSQL store to Datomic; leveraging rich, flexible information model to simplify complex development problems, and Datomic's built-in notion of time for auditing and data provenance.

Data analysis for investment bankers - Pellucid expands the speed, power and scalability of its data system through Datomic.

Enterprise software for agile project management - Rally uses Datomic to add real-time collaboration features to its backend datastore.

Creating interactive digital experiences - The Brigade quickly created a social music application for Spotify using Datomic.

Disrupting the financial services industry with superior technology - Nubank uses Datomic to power their nimble, elastic microservices platform.